“We power health through digital transformation” 우리는 디지털 전환을 통한 보건의료 시스템의 혁신으로 인류의 건강증진에 기여합니다.
누구에게나 평등한 사람 중심의 디지털 헬스를 구현하며, 의료서비스의 범위를 확장, 디지털 중심의 미래의 헬스케어를 열어갑니다.
Digital Health Transformation
Digital Health Governance
Ensure transparency, explainability, and intelligibility하는 국가의 의료 디지털화 정책, standard for interoperability, Regulatory system, promotion agency 등 정책 자문
Hospital Information System
CPOE, LIS, RIS, PIS, PACS, EMR, EHR, CP, IOT to connect Bio-medical Devices, AI, Data Management, etc.
Tele-radiology Platform
영상의학의 생산성 향상을 위한 광역 플랫폼 운영, Cloud, Teleradiology에 의한 시간과 공간의 갭 극복, 병원 밖 진단의 확대
Telemedicine system
Provider-to-Provider와 Provider-to-Patient Telemedicine system과 전용 PHRsystem로 원격지와 소외계층 의료 접근성 개선
AI-driven Infectious Disease Diagnosis
Mass screening and detection, Decision support, Digital tracking에 의한 폐결핵 및 각종 감염병의 첨단 진단체계 구축 지원
WHO가 제시하는 Digital transformation의 방향
[World Health Organization_ "Global strategy on digital health 2020-2025] WHO Digital Health Priorities are shaped by the Golbal Strategy on Digital Health 2020-25
To Improve health for everyone, everywhere by accelerating the development and adoption of appropriate digital health solutions to achieve the health-related SDGs
Strategic Objectives
Promote global collaboration and advance the transfer of knowledge on digital health
Advance the implementation of national digital health strategies
Strengthen governance for digital health at global, regional and national levels
Advocate people-centred health systems that are enabled by digital health
Draft Regional Action Framework on Digital Health
Vision : Countries harnessing digital transformation towards people-centric health
Strategic objectives